Skintopia Scottsdale

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Sharpen Your Knowledge About Microneedling

Have you heard about collagen induction therapy, aka microneedling, or the “vampire” facial and wonder what it really is? Does the thought of needling your skin give you shivers down your spine? I am here to calm your hesitation and explain why, as an esthetician, I often recommend this amazing treatment.

What Makes Microneedle Unique

When we are treating the skin for skin rejuvenation, we want to optimize cell function, preserve the integrity of the epidermis (upper layers of the skin), strengthen the dermal/epidermal juncture (DEJ – where the epidermis and dermis meet), break down scar tissue where necessary, release the body’s epidermal growth factors (signaling between cells to promote cellular proliferation, healing, and remodeling), increase natural collagen and induce regenerative healing. Microneedling is the only treatment that includes all of the above goals in skin rejuvenation.

Breaking Down the Steps of Microneedling

Microneedling is the practice of using a cartridge that holds a cluster of metal needles attached to an automated pen to pierce the skin to create micro-injuries in the epidermis of the skin. By causing micro-injuries to the skin, the cells in the skin release growth factors. The growth factors communicate or signal the injured skin to begin repairing itself.

However, before beginning the microneedling itself, the skin is first cleansed. In my practice at Skintopia, the client has the option of having dermaplaning performed or a mild enzyme mask applied to remove dead, keratinized skin to enhance the results of the treatment.

A numbing cream is then applied to the skin and then I wrap the skin in saran wrap for approximately 20 minutes. A warm towel or red LED can be used to allow the numbing cream to penetrate better. Then the micro-needling treatment begins!

I needle the skin in sections. I wipe the numbing cream away with a wet 4x4 cotton cloth and apply the recommend serum and begin needling. It is important to note that we do not want to introduce anything into the body through the microscopic channels that is not naturally found in the body as the body (skin) can form granulomas as it rejects those unnatural substances. The serum used is based upon the analysis of the skin and desired results of the client.

The depth in which the needle penetrates the skin is also very important. Recent studies show that when microneedling, the esthetician wants to stay within the DEJ (dermal-epidermal juncture) to signal the collagen in that area. The collagen in that particular area have been shown to be responsible for forming the support necessary for proper dermis strength, elasticity and flexibility. Therefore, a less is best will yield you with the benefits of less downtime, less pain and less risk of side effects as well. The end result is to produce a mild erythema (pinkness) to the skin and not a bloody mess that you often see on social media.

There is an exception to this and that is when we are working with acne scars. In cases of scars, one must work deeper into the skin in order to break up the scar tissue.

Once the needling is completed, my clients receive a Red LED treatment for 30 minutes. Red LED light therapy is very beneficial as it engages the ATP (energy) within the cell and helps reduce the inflammation and further promote healing. Once we cause the trauma to the epidermis to release the natural healing process, we want to reduce any additional inflammation and further engage the energy of the cells to produce collagen and elastin.

Discover Your Skin Rejuvenation

If you struggle with loose, lined, pigmented, wrinkled or acne-scarred skin, don’t struggle any longer. Rejuvenate and revitalize your skin by stimulating the body’s natural healing response to promote collagen growth at Skintopia in Scottsdale, Arizona. Microneedling is a beautiful way to encourage collagen production, lighten pigmentation, improve the texture and tone, lessen acne scars, as well as turn back the clock on your skin’s aging process.